An ass on a horse galloping away from Washington,
back to a scandal.
Part Four in a series examining the Obama Cabinet appointees
(Jan. 6, Washington, DC) The journeyman cabinet member from the Bill Clinton era, designated as Barak Obama’s Secretary of Commerce appointee, withdrew his name from that appointment today amid strong, noxious fumes of scandal began to suffocate Team Obama. According to official records the slovenly, dopey, ass kisser is under investigation for wrongdoing committed as he has served as the Governor of New Mexico. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!
Richardson who had his own presidential ambitions was destined to serve somewhere in the Obama Administration simply because he was available to do anything and do it poorly just as he had done in the Clinton White House. During the Clinton years , slobboon Bill was appointed US Ambassador to the UN, a job he obviously was unsuited for and lacked the intelligence to even pretend like he knew what he was doing. After his abject failure at the UN, he was appointed as the Secretary of Energy. During his time in that post he allowed agents of Communist China to steal hundreds of our most highly classified and valuable nuclear technology secrets from various United States laboratories including The Sandia Lab and Los Alamos.
Despite his horrid record of public service, this rotund bum had the arrogance and nerve to run for President of the United States. After having virtually no support from anyone other than his wife and a hair stylist in Santa Fe, he dropped out of the Democratic Primary and became a sought after endorsment feverishly courted by Hillary Clinton. Ultimately, after much begging and pleading from the Clinton’s, Richardson spit in their faces and threw his considerable body weight and miniscule political clout behind Barak Obama. In return, of course, he sought a high ranking position in the Obama Administration and was actually perilously close to obtaining one. Perhaps he would never had made it through the confirmation process in the Senate but, he might have. That would have been a huge blow and embarrassment to Obama who would have had to accept Richardson’s resignation in the early days of his Presidency

(Left) Bill Richardson dissolving into a sputtering, sobbing, blathering heap
after realizing he would not be in the Obama Administration
due to his own greedy, filthy corruption in New Mexico.
Prior to becoming a flackie for Bill Clinton, Richardson had a lackluster, highly ineffective stint as a Congressman from his native New Mexico. He shamelessly promoted himself as a Latino and exploited his alleged Latinoness at every turn. New Jersey Democratic Senator, Robert Menendez, a Cuban - American who served with Richardson in Congress commented, “I always thought Bill was Lebanese or maybe Greek. What kind of name is ‘Richardson’ for a latino? He spoke Spanish fairly well although I could easily tell he had learned it from listening to Berlitz tapes and watching Sabado Gigante. I never trusted him, I never liked him and once I slapped him in the face. He is an awful man,sloppy, gluttonous, unkempt, unhygienic who proudly...loudly broke wind audibly in the halls of Congress.”
It was literally impossible to find anyone in Congress to say anything complimentary about Richardson. The overwhelming response to questions about him were “...Glad to see him go. He should take his stinky lard ass back to the Great Southwest. ...Hope he gets bitten by a rabid rattle snake.”
The Obama Transition team did not respond to our requests for comment.
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